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Your Face Is Dull? Here's how to Brighten naturally

Various ways took by women for the sake of getting a clean face and bright. The use of cosmetic products that do not comply face skin types, as well as a lazy clearing dirt pile,  is the cause of face and dull on the skin of the face.
 The following will be presented various information summary about how to brighten the face naturally and some good habits you have to get up to get a facial skin clean and bright.

Brighten the face with natural materials
God has created a variety of natural materials with a million benefits. It includes benefits to brighten the face. Does not have to have white skin to get the skin bright. Although Brown or dark facial skin, which maintained clean would be emitting a brightness.

Here are some natural ingredients that you can use to get a bright shining face:

  • Aloe Vera

Is not only beneficial to the hair only. Using Aloe Vera on the skin of the face as a mask, it can help brighten the skin. Remove stains blackish and prevent the occurrence of wrinkles.
Steps that you can perform take a leaf of Aloe Vera, squeeze the contents. Brush liquid Aloe Vera to your facial skin then let sit for 15 – 30 minutes. Then rinse using warm water.
In addition to the natural way, you can use a variety of products that are easy to aloe vera gel is applied on the face and more durable for safekeeping. Make sure that the content of aloe vera or Aloe Vera is more than the alcohol content to avoid irritation of the skin.

  • Cucumber

There is a silica content in the fruit of cucumbers that serve as reinforcement to the connective tissue of the skin. Using cucumber as masks in addition to brighten the face, dark circles, and eye pouch will be reduced. Cucumbers are also suitable for those who have sensitive skin.

Other than consumed directly, You may benefit a cucumber to lighten the face by mixing with other ingredients such as apples and oatmeal. Blend the cucumber pieces and apples to taste, after a smooth add oatmeal. Use every morning as a facial mask, let stand for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse with clean water.

  • Tomato

The tomato is a fruit and vegetable types that are rich in vitamin c. Vitamin C helps regenerate the skin and prevents aging and antioxidants being of blackish stains on the face. With the consumption of tomatoes with a routine will help you get your skin clear, clean and shining.
In addition to the consumers directly, using tomatoes as a facial mask also helps you get your bright face with ease. Simply slice the tomatoes into two parts, and then apply it evenly on the face. You can also close the eyelids with sliced tomatoes. Wait for 20 – 30 minutes, then rinse face with clean water. This mask activity conducted at least one time in a week, to the results of the facial skin clean and bright.

  • Water Washing Rice

Water washing rice is often considered the remaining stuff that sometimes does not realize its benefits for the myriads of facial skin. Wash the rice in the water there is a substance called Gamma oryzanol which can ward off UV rays of the Sun to get into the skin of the face. In addition, these substances can brighten and whiten the face.

How to use water washing rice is very easy. The first step, provide one cup of rice and wash your rice so clean dust and dirt from the surface of the rice seeds, remove this first water rinse.
Next, add a new clean water, stir the rice with the use of hands. Soak for 30 minutes to allow the nutrients contained in the rice water moved into the marinade the rice. After that strain, the water from the beans rices and wash your face with water. Give it a gentle massage on the face with your fingers for 6 to 10 minutes.
Final steps i.e. rinse face with clean water, dry with a soft towel with the way Pat. Other ways to cleanse the face with water washing rice is using a cotton ball dipped in water to wash the rice. Sweep the face massaging movement. Let the water wash the rice to dry then rinse water use room temperature or cold water.

  • Bengkoang

Bengkoang is another natural ingredient can help you get the skin a bright and charming face. In addition to brightening facial, vitamin B and vitamin C contained in bengkoang are also able to shrink enlarged facial pores, eliminate the oil on the face as well as disguising acne scars.
 Take one fruit bengkoang, grated and squeezed her water. creep water juice of the day during the overnight bengkoang into the cream and similar to the pasta. Use the cream the juice such as bengkoang face mask at least once a week. In addition, you can also add olive oil, rose water, lime water or cream of rice into the jicama so that will add to the usefulness and its benefits for the skin of the face.
Good habits to get a bright face
Using the natural mask cannot brighten the face instantly when you have less good habits or excessive stress in living the life. Here are a few good habits that you can wake up:

The Pattern Of Healthy Living
The pattern of healthy living is very needed to obtain bright and shining faces. Start the day with positive activities such as drinking a glass of plain water, a mild exercise and other physical activity for 30 minutes, take a shower and get cleaned up and faces properly, not leave a balanced healthy eating 3 meals per day, avoid smoking and alcohol consumption, as well as getting enough sleep and rest.
 Healthy living patterns help you get healthy skin and bright from the inside. Regular exercise will be waging a blood circulation in the body. So stay away from the lazy sense of healthy living patterns and carry out each day is an important key to get free bright skin pallid.

Drinking Lots Of Water
Water desperately needed by the human body. With 8 – 10 glasses of water each day, then the body needs hydration water will be met. Facial skin will be moisturized, supple, free of dullness and looks brighter.

Around 50 – 70% of the components of the human body consists of water. With sufficient water intake, the body will be able to dispose of toxins in the body. Likewise with dirt that rested on the face through the pores of the face. Face dull and dry can be a sign of dehydration, for that occurrence immediately fill your daily water needs with optimal.

Avoid Stress
Stress is one of the causes of the emergence of the hormone cortisol. Excessive cortisol is very annoying on the skin regeneration process, the lower the elasticity as well as create wrinkles in the skin of the face. This is caused when the levels of cortisol are high, it will cause the occurrence of elevated levels of sugar in the blood, and will suppress the production of collagen face.

Collagen is decreased, will cause a variety of side effects especially on the skin of the face. Avoid stress by always thinking positive and face many pressures with the correct koping can start a habit if You want bright and shining faces.

Such information as to how to brighten the face as well as the good habits that should start You perform every day. Other good habits are easy to do is smile. With frequent smiling face will look brighter, shinier and will enhance your beauty. Good luck!


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